Mã tài liệu: 228086
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Chuyên mục: Tổng hợp
Table of Content
Acknowledgement i
Abstract . ii
Table of Content iii
Chapter 1: Introduction . 1
I Background 1
II Problem statement 2
III Research objectives . 2
IV Research methodology 2
1 Primary information: . 2
2 Secondary information: 2
V Scope and limitations . 3
1 Scope: . 3
2 Limitations: . 3
VI Plan of the research . 3
VII Presentation of the research . 3
Chapter 2: Literature review . 5
I Environmental Management System and sustainable development . 5
II ISO 14000 standards series and the prospects of EMS . 7
1 What is ISO 14000 standards series . 7
2 General Description of ISO 14001 . 12
3 ISO 14000 standards series and EMS 14
4 Benefits of implementing ISO 14001 17
Chapter 3: Implementing ISO 14001 at LV Hanoi . 19
I Current Vietnamese Laws And Regulations on Environmental Protection 19
1 The Law on Environmental Protection 19
2 Government Decree 175-CP 20
II Social trends and public perception of environmental perfection . 22
III Company profile 22
IV ISO 14001 at the facility . 24
1 Corporate environmental policy 24
2 Planning 25
3 Implementation And Operation . 30
4 Checking and Corrective Action 40
5 Management Review . 41
V Difficulties in implementing ISO 14000 at LV Hanoi 42
1 External difficulties . 43
2 Internal difficulties 44
3 Impacts of ISO 14001 implementation . 45
4 Provision for future environmental actions of LV Hanoi by EMR . 47
Chapter 4: Conclusions and Recommendations . 48
I Conclusions 48
1 The ultimate purpose of ISO 14000 standards series . 48
2 Perspectives of implementing ISO 14000 standards series in Vietnam . 49
II Recommendations . 49
1 For LV Hanoi 49
2 For State authorities . 52
3 Recommendation for further studies 53
Bibliography . 5
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