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Chuyên mục: Tổng hợp
[FONT="]Title Page
[FONT="]Table of Contents
[FONT="]List of Figures
[FONT="]List of Tables
[FONT="]1.1. Statement of the Problem
[FONT="]1.2. Objectives
[FONT="]1.3. Scope and Limitations
[FONT="]1.4. Research Methodology
[FONT="]1.5. Organization of the Report
[FONT="]2.1. Why Privatize?
[FONT="]2.2. What to Privatize?
[FONT="]2.3. How To Privatize?
[FONT="]2.4. Conditions for and Barriers to Privatization
[FONT="]2.5. Critical Issues of Privatization
[FONT="]3.1. General Features about SOEs in Vietnam
[FONT="]3.2. Performance of SOEs
[FONT="]3.3. The Renovation of SOEs in Recent Years
[FONT="]4.1. Measures for Improving the Effectiveness of SOEs
[FONT="]4.2. Options for SOEs
[FONT="]4.3. Recognition of SOEs's Ineffectiveness
[FONT="]4.4. Impediments to Analyzing SOEs's Performance
[FONT="]4.5. About Corruption
[FONT="]4.6. Perception of Privatization
[FONT="]4.7. About Barriers to Privatization
[FONT="]4.8. Privatization and Legal Conditions
[FONT="]4.9. Implementing Privatization
[FONT="]4.10. Summary
[FONT="]5.1. The Distinctive Features of the State-Owned Enterprises in [FONT="]Vietnam
[FONT="]5.2. The Necessity and Prospects of Privatization of SOEs in [FONT="]Vietnam
[FONT="]5.3. How to Speed Up the Privatization
[FONT="]5.4. Recommendations for Further Research
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