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Chuyên mục: Tổng hợp
[FONT="]Tables of contents [FONT="]
[FONT="]Chapter Title Page
[FONT="] Title page i
[FONT="] Acknowlegment ii
[FONT="] Abstract iii
[FONT="] Table of contents iv
[FONT="] List of tables vi
[FONT="] List of figures vii
[FONT="] I. Introduction [FONT="]
[FONT="] 1.1 Rationale of the study [FONT="]
[FONT="] 1.2 Problem Statement [FONT="]
[FONT="] 1.3 Research objectives [FONT="]
[FONT="] 1.4 Scope and limitations [FONT="]
[FONT="] 1.5 Organization of the study [FONT="]
[FONT="] 1.6 Research frame work [FONT="]
[FONT="] II. Literature Review[FONT="]
[FONT="] 2.1 Background and definitions of the supermarket [FONT="]
[FONT="] 2.2 Supermarket in Asian developing countries [FONT="]
[FONT="] 2.3 Vietnam retailing environment [FONT="]
[FONT="] 2.3.1 Economic overview and consumer purchasing power[FONT="] [FONT="]
[FONT="] 2.3.2 Retail options [FONT="] [FONT="]
[FONT="] 2.4. Consumer store choice behavior and retailer strategy [FONT="]
[FONT="] 2.5 The store choice decision process [FONT="]
[FONT="] 2.6 Patronage motives [FONT="]
[FONT="] III. Research methodology
[FONT="] 3.1 Information needs [FONT="]
[FONT="] 3.2 Research methodology [FONT="]
[FONT="] 3.2.1 Target population[FONT="] [FONT="]
[FONT="] 3.2.2 Pilot survey and questionnaire development[FONT="] [FONT="]
[FONT="] 3.2.3 Sampling procedure[FONT="] [FONT="]
[FONT="] 3.2.4 Sample characteristics[FONT="] [FONT="]
[FONT="] VI. Discussions and analysis
[FONT="] 4.1. From customer survey [FONT="]
[FONT="] 4.1.1. Shopping frequency in general and at supermarkets[FONT="] [FONT="]
[FONT="] 4.1.2. Store choice criteria[FONT="] [FONT="]
[FONT="] 4.1.3. Supermarkets evaluation[FONT="] [FONT="]
[FONT="] 4.1.4. Spending at supermarkets[FONT="] [FONT="]
[FONT="] 4.1.5 Things bought at supermarkets[FONT="] [FONT="]
[FONT="] 4.1.6 Prior intention of going supermarkets[FONT="] [FONT="]
[FONT="] 4.1.7 Purposes of going supermarkets[FONT="] [FONT="]
[FONT="] 4.1.8 Perception toward supermarkets[FONT="] [FONT="]
[FONT="] 4.1.9 Attitude towards supermarkets[FONT="] [FONT="]
[FONT="] 4.1.10. Demographic profile of non-users and heavy- users[FONT="] [FONT="]
[FONT="] 4.1.11 Summary[FONT="] [FONT="]
[FONT="] 4.2 From the supermarket side [FONT="]
[FONT="] V. Conclusions and recommendations [FONT="]
[FONT="] 5.1 Conclusions [FONT="]
[FONT="] 5.2 Recommendations [FONT="]
[FONT="] References 44
[FONT="] Appendices: [FONT="]A. Questionnaire 46
[FONT="] B. Pilot results 53
[FONT="] C. List of supermarkets in Hanoi 54
[FONT="] D. Raw output of SPSS for the whole sample 55
[FONT="] E. Raw output of SPSS for non-users 90
[FONT="] F. Raw output of SPSS for heavy-users 106
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