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Chuyên mục: Tổng hợp
Table of contents
Chapter Title Page
Title Page i
Acknowledgement ii
Abstract iii
List of tables iv
List of figures v
Table of contents vi
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Background 1
1.2 Rationale of the research study 2
1.3 Problem statement 2
1.4 Objectives 2
1.5 Scope of research 2
1.6 Limitation 3
1.7 Presentation of the research report 3
Chapter 2 Research methodology 4
2.1 Research framework 4
2.2 Conceptual framework of the research 5
2.3 Data collection methodology 6
2.4 Survey framework (for outsiders) 7
2.5 Survey framework (for insiders) 8
2.6 Limitation of methodology 9
Chapter 3 Literature review. 10
3.1 Introduction 10
3.2 Service in the manufacturing firm: current practice 10
3.3 Service as a determining factor in competitive intensity. 11
3.4 Elements of a service-based competitive strategy 11
3.5 Measuring service quality 12
3.6 Service quality measuring model: 12
Chapter 4 Profile of floor tiles and slabs company no 1 15
4.1 Introduction 15
4.2 Vision and goal 17
4.3 Product 17
4.4 Service 17
4.5 Organization structure 18
4.6 Customers 18
4.7 Competitors 18
4.8 Achievement 21
4.9 Concept of customer service in ftsc. 21
4.10 Service delivery process 22
Chapter 5 FTSC management board’ s view and employees’ perception on service 29
5.1 View of management about the role of customer service 29
5.2 Employees’ perception 31
5.3 Comparing between views 33
Chapter 6 Attributes of a high quality customer service 35
6.1 Common quality attributes 36
6.2 Attributes for showroom and customer’s business support actives. 36
6.3 Attributes of ordering process. 37
6.4 Attributes of delivery process. 38
6.5 Attributes of problem solving process. 39
Chapter 7 Expectation and perception of customer. 40
7.1 Common attributes. 40
7.2 Attributes of showroom. 42
7.3 Attributes of business support activities. 43
7.4 Attributes of ordering process. 45
7.5 Attributes of delivery process. 47
7.6 Attributes of problem solving process. 48
7.7 Summary 50
Chapter 8 Developing strategy 52
8.1 Service strategy 52
8.2 Detailed plan 57
8.3 Practical action plan 60
Chapter 9 Conclusions and implications 64
9.1 Conclusion 64
9.2 Implication 64
9.3 Future research 65
Reference 66
Appendix A 67
Appendix B 73
Appendix C 83
Appendix D 84
Appendix E 85
Appendix F 8
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