Mã tài liệu: 274026
Số trang: 8
Định dạng: doc
Dung lượng file: 98 Kb
Chuyên mục: Tổng hợp
Một số khái quát về tổn thất trong bảo hiểm hàng hải
Loss is damage, fee or scarification of the subject-matter insured caused by international transport risks.
Loss is a general concept and can be classified into 2 following types:
➢ “Dynamic” loss: the loss of commodities caused by the external impacts and influenced the value of objects. Ex: The impact of science and technology makes electronic appliances become outdated, or a decrease in the price of commodities for some reasons is also considered as the "dynamic” loss. “Dynamic” loss is not insured.
➢ "Static" loss: the loss caused by damage, loss or sacrifice of objects. "Static" loss is usually insured and can be one of the followings:
Loss of the objects.
Income loss caused by the loss of the use of the objects.
Loss on costs (foreign exchange arising from the material loss of objects).
Responsibility loss for others. Ex: There was a collision between ship A and ship B, ship A was wrong completely, so ship A would be responsible for a compensation for ship B. Responsibility loss is also insured.
Distinguishing Loss from Damage
Loss is a risk that can’t be seen and can’t be touched. For example, we delivered 10 packages, but only 8 packages arrived at the port, so 2 missing packages were considered as loss that we can’t determine by eyes or by hands.
Damage is a risk that we can see or touch. For example, when the commodities arrived at the port, they were broken or scratched already ... we can realize these losses obviously.
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