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Chuyên mục: Tổng hợp
1. Introduction____________________________________________________________ 1
2. Electrons in III-V semiconductor heterostructures_____________________________ 4
3. Time-resolved measurement method _______________________________________ 16
4. Electron-electron scattering and the D’Yakonov-Perel mechanism in a high mobility
electron gas _______________________________________________________________ 22
4.1 Introduction _______________________________________________________ 22
4.2 Background _______________________________________________________ 23
4.3 Theory____________________________________________________________ 25
4.3.1 Conduction band spin-splitting and the D’yakonov-Perel mechanism _______ 25
4.3.2 Evolution of spin polarisation excited in the valance band ________________ 28
4.3.3 Energy distribution of the electron spin polarisation _____________________ 29
4.4 Sample description__________________________________________________ 32
4.4.1 Sample mobility _________________________________________________ 34
4.4.2 Optical characterisation ___________________________________________ 36
4.5 Experimental procedure _____________________________________________ 38
4.6 Results____________________________________________________________ 38
4.7 Analysis___________________________________________________________ 44
4.7.1 Monte-Carlo simulation ___________________________________________ 45
4.7.2 Electron-electron scattering ________________________________________ 47
4.7.3 Spectral sampling of the conduction band spin-splitting and anisotropy ______ 48
4.8 Summary and conclusions____________________________________________ 55
4.9 References_________________________________________________________ 57
5. Spin relaxation in undoped InGaAs/GaAs quantum wells ______________________ 60
5.1 Introduction _______________________________________________________ 60
5.2 Background and theory______________________________________________ 61
5.2.1 Exciton spin dynamics ____________________________________________ 62
5.2.2 Effects of temperature_____________________________________________ 67
5.3 Sample description__________________________________________________ 71
5.4 Experimental procedure _____________________________________________ 71
5.5 Results____________________________________________________________ 74
5.6 Analysis___________________________________________________________ 94
5.7 Interpretation______________________________________________________ 99
5.7.1 Phases in the evolution of the excited population_______________________ 100
5.7.2 Exciton thermalisation ___________________________________________ 101
5.7.3 Thermalised excitons ____________________________________________ 103
5.7.4 Comparison with InGaAs/InP, the Native Interface Asymmetry___________ 107
5.7.5 Dynamics of the unbound e-h plasma and carrier emission _______________ 108
5.8 Summary and conclusions___________________________________________ 112
5.9 References________________________________________________________ 114
6. Exciton spin precession in a magnetic field_________________________________ 117
6.1 Introduction ______________________________________________________ 117
6.2 Background and theory_____________________________________________ 118
6.3 Sample description_________________________________________________ 124
6.4 Experiment _______________________________________________________ 125
6.5 Results___________________________________________________________ 127
6.6 Summary and Conclusions __________________________________________ 140
6.7 References________________________________________________________ 141
7. Conclusions__________________________________________________________ 143
7.1 References________________________________________________________ 146
8. List of Publications ____________________________________________________ 14
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