Mã tài liệu: 201936
Số trang: 218
Định dạng: pdf
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Chuyên mục: Khoa học công nghệ
In many ways, XP is the most reliable and user-friendly version of Windows to date. However, it is not without problems. If you use XP on a regular basis, you’ve probably been infected once or twice by Windows Fever—a serious condition marked by elevated blood pressure, sudden verbal outbursts at your computer screen, and the mad desire to toss your entire PC out a window. If you are currently experiencing these symptoms, step away from your computer, count to 10 (better yet, make it 1,000), and swallow two chapters of this book every two hours. If you haven’t contracted the disease yet, consider yourself lucky. With a good diet, regular exercise, and the digital preventive medicine found in this book, you can expect to remain free of the fever—at least until the next version of Windows is released.
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