Mã tài liệu: 202212
Số trang: 435
Định dạng: pdf
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Chuyên mục: Khoa học công nghệ
Welcome to the second edition of Windows XP For Dummies, the world’s best-selling book about Windows XP! I’ve expanded the book to explain all the recent patches, tweaks, fixes, and frustrations that Microsoft has added to Windows XP. This book’s popularity probably boils down to this simple fact: Some people want to be Windows whizzes. They love interacting with dialog boxes. Some randomly press keys in the hope of discovering hidden, undocumented features.
A few memorize long strings of computer commands while washing their hair.
And you? Well, you’re no dummy, that’s for sure. But when it comes to Windows and computers, the fascination just isn’t there. You want to get your work done, stop, and move on to something more important. You have no intention of changing, and there’s nothing wrong with that. That’s where this book comes in handy. Instead of making you a whiz at Windows, it merely dishes out chunks of useful computing information when you need them. Instead of becoming a Windows XP expert, you’ll know just enough to get by quickly, cleanly, and with a minimum of pain so that you can move on to the pleasant things in life. Don’t try to read this book in one sitting; there’s no need. Instead, treat this book like a dictionary or an encyclopedia. Turn to the page with the information you need and say, “Ah, so that’s what they’re talking about.” Then put down the book and move on. Don’t bother trying to memorize all the Windows XP jargon, such as “Select the menu item from the drop-down list box.” Leave that stuff for the computer enthusiasts. In fact, if anything technical comes up in a chapter, a road sign warns you well in advance. Depending on your mood, you can either slow down to read it or speed on around it.
Something in Windows XP will eventually leave you scratching your head. No other program brings so many buttons, bars, and babble to the screen. When something in Windows XP has you stumped, use this book as a reference. Look for the troublesome topic in this book’s table of contents or index. The table of contents lists chapter and section titles and page numbers. The index lists topics and page numbers. Page through the table of contents or index to the spot that deals with that particular bit of computer obscurity, read only what you have to, close the book, and apply what you’ve read. If you’re feeling spunky and want to learn something, read a little further. You can find a few completely voluntary extra details or some cross-references to check out. There’s no pressure, though. You won’t be forced to learn anything that you don’t want to or that you simply don’t have time for.
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