TABLES OF CONTENTSStatement of authorship iAcknowledgements iiAbstract iiiTable of contents 1CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION 31.1 Background of the study 31.2 Aims of the study 31.3 The significance of the study 4CHAPTER TWO LITERATURE REVIEW 52.1 Definition of reading 52.2 The importance of reading 52.3 Some reading skills 52.3.1 Skimming 52.3.2 Scanning 62.3.3 Inferring 62.3.4 Guessing the meaning from context 62.3.5 Answering comprehension question 62.4 Factors influence the progress of reading in language learning 72.4.1 Reader variables 72.4.2 Text topic and content 8CHAPTER THREE THE METHODOLOGY 93.1 Researcher 93.2 Research questions 93.3 Subject 93.4 Setting 93.5 Data collection instruments 93.5.1 Textbook analysis 103.5.2 Questionnaire 103.5.3 Observation 123.6 Data collection procedure 133.6.1 Textbook analysis procedure 133.6.2 Questionnaires procedure 133.6.3 Observation procedure 13CHAPTER FOUR RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS 144.1 Results 144.1.1 Results of textbook analysis 144.1.2 Results of questionnaires 194.1.3 Results of observation 354.2 Discussions 404.2.1 Research question (1) 404.2.2 Research question (2) 41CHAPTER FIVE CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 425.1 Conclusions 425.2 Recommendations 425.2.1 For the...
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Nghien cuu khoa hoc bang tieng anhTABLES OF CONTENTSStatement of authorship iAcknowledgements iiAbstract iiiTable of contents 1CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION 31.1 Background of the study 31.2 Aims of the study 31.3 The significance of the study 4CHAPTER TWO LITERATURE REVIEW 52.1doc Đăng bởi naluvtj8
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Ngôn ngữ: Việt nam, English
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