Mã tài liệu: 228030
Số trang: 172
Định dạng: pdf
Dung lượng file: 1,402 Kb
Chuyên mục: Tổng hợp
I INTRODUCTION : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 1
A. Problem Statement 1
B. Objective and Approach . 2
C. Main Contributions 3
D. Dissertation Overview 5
II SCALABLE VIDEO CODING : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 7
A. Video Compression Standards 7
B. Basics in Video Coding 10
1. Compression . 11
2. Quantization and Binary Coding 12
C. Motion Compensation 16
D. Scalable Video Coding 20
1. Coarse Granular Scalability . 21
a. Spatial Scalability 21
b. Temporal Scalability 22
c. SNR/Quality Scalability 23
2. Fine Granular Scalability 23
A. Motivation . 26
B. Preliminaries . 28
1. Brief R-D Analysis for MCP Coders 28
2. Brief R-D Analysis for Scalable Coders . 30
C. Source Analysis and Modeling 31
1. Related Work on Source Statistics . 32
2. Proposed Model for Source Distribution 34
D. Related Work on Rate-Distortion Modeling . 36
1. R-D Functions of MCP Coders . 36
2. Related Work on R-D Modeling 40
3. Current Problems 42
E. Distortion Analysis and Modeling 45
1. Distortion Model Based on Approximation Theory 45
a. Approximation Theory . 46
b. The Derivation of Distortion Function 47
2. Distortion Modeling Based on Coding Process . 50
F. Rate Analysis and Modeling . 54
1. Preliminaries . 54
2. Markov Model 56
G. A Novel Operational R-D Model . 61
1. Experimental Results 65
H. Square-Root R-D Model . 66
1. Simple Quality (PSNR) Model . 67
2. Simple Bitrate Model 69
3. SQRT Model . 72
A. Related Work . 76
1. Congestion Control . 76
a. End-to-End vs. Router-Supported . 77
b. Window-Based vs. Rate-Based 78
2. Error Control . 78
a. Forward Error Correction (FEC) . 79
b. Retransmission . 80
c. Error Resilient Coding . 80
d. Error Concealment . 85
B. Quality Control in Internet Streaming 85
1. Motivation 86
2. Kelly Controls 88
3. Quality Control in CBR Channel 92
4. Quality Control in VBR Networks . 94
5. Related Error Control Mechanism . 98
V TRAFFIC MODELING : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 100
A. Related Work on VBR Tra±c Modeling . 102
1. Single Layer Video Tra±c 102
a. Autoregressive (AR) Models 102
b. Markov-modulated Models . 104
c. Models Based on Self-similar Process . 104
d. Other Models 105
2. Scalable Video Tra±c 106
B. Modeling I-Frame Sizes in Single-Layer Tra±c . 107
1. Wavelet Models and Preliminaries . 107
2. Generating Synthetic I-Frame Sizes 110
C. Modeling P/B-Frame Sizes in Single-layer Tra±c . 114
1. Intra-GOP Correlation . 115
2. Modeling P and B-Frame Sizes . 117
D. Modeling the Enhancement Layer 121
1. Analysis of the Enhancement Layer 123
2. Modeling I-Frame Sizes . 126
3. Modeling P and B-Frame Sizes . 127
E. Model Accuracy Evaluation . 129
1. Single-layer and the Base Layer Tra±c . 132
2. The Enhancement Layer Tra±c . 133
VI CONCLUSION AND FUTURE WORK : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 137
A. Conclusion . 137
B. Future Work 139
1. Supplying Peers Cooperation System 140
2. Scalable Rate Control System 141
REFERENCES : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 142
VITA : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 15
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