It has been nearly ten years since the first edition of this text was published, a decade marked by extensive discoveries and developments related to the science of microbiology. In fact, the total amount of information on this subject has doubled and possibly tripled during this relatively short time. Dealing with such an abundance of new information has, at times, been overwhelming. But this degree of enrichment has only served to reinforce the far-reaching importance of the subject matter. One has only to pick up a newspaper to be struck by daily reminders of microbiology's impact, whether it be emerging diseases, the roles of viruses in cancer, the development of new vaccines, drugs, and bioengineered organisms, or the use of microbes to clean up toxic wastes. Thanks to technologies that really originated with microbiologists, we now have detailed genetic maps of hundreds of microbes, plants, and animals, including humans. These discoveries, in turn, have spawned entirely new sciences and applications and an explosion of new discoveries. So, as we look back over these past few years, one idea that rings even truer than ever is an observation made by the renowned microbiologist Louis Pasteur, about 120 years ago:
"Life would not long remain possible in the absence of microbes"
Looking ahead to the future, microbiology will continue to dominate biology, medicine, ecology, and industry for many years to come. Clearly, the more you learn about this subject, the better prepared you will be for personal and professional challenges, and to make decisions as a citizen of the world.
Emphasis of Foundations
The primary goals of this textbook are to:
1. Involve you in the relevance and excitement of microbiology.
2. Help you understand and appreciate the natural roles, structure, and functions of microorganisms.
3. Keep building your knowledge and facilitating your ability to apply the subject matter.
4. Encourage skills that make you a life-long learner in the subject.
Microbiology is an inherently valuable and useful discipline that offers an intimate view of an invisible world. We have often felt that certain areas of the subject should be taught at the junior high, high school, and even elementary levels, so that knowledge of microbes and their importance becomes second nature from an early age. The orientation of this textbook continues to be a presentation that is understandable to students of diverse backgrounds. We hope to promote interest in this fascinating subject, and to share our sense of excitement and awe for it. We hope that our involvement in the subject, our love of language, and our fun with analogies, models, and figures is so contagious that it stimulates your interest and catches your imagination.
Like all technical subjects, microbiology contains a wide array of facts and ideas that will become part of your growing body of knowledge. One of the ways to fulfill the goals of the textbook is to concentrate on understanding concepts-- important fundamental ideas or themes that form a framework for ideas and words. Most of these concepts are laid out like links in a chain of information that lead you to the next level. As you continue to progress through the book, you can branch out into new areas, refine your knowledge, make important connections, and develop sophistication with the subject. Most chapters are structured with two levels of coverage--a general one that provides an overall big picture and a more specific one that fills in the details of the topics.