Mã tài liệu: 29865
Số trang: 33
Định dạng: docx
Dung lượng file: 239 Kb
Chuyên mục: Tiếng anh thương mại
Nowadays, marketing is obviously more and more vital in the success of every enterprise. However, not many of the companies in Vietnam have paid adequate attention to marketing activities, especially when both domestic and global competition is getting fiercer and fiercer.
Being one of the companies specializing in Production line and equipment for foodstuff industry, mechanical engineering, construction machinery in Vietnam, Ha Anh International Commercial Services Company Limited (HA ANH INCOSE CO.,Ltd) has achieved certain successes in this field. Its sales of line and equipment for foodstuff industry have increased over the years since its establishment.
Apart from the introduction and conclusion, the report is divided into 3 chapters as follows:
Chapter 1: Theoretical Framework
Chapter 2: Marketing strategies of Ha Anh INCOSE Co.,Ltd
Chapter 3: Some Recommendations to Improve Ha Anh International Commercial Services Company Limited’s Marketing Strategy
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