Mã tài liệu: 267986
Số trang: 25
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Chuyên mục: Tổng hợp
Entering the 21st century, integrating the market mechanism, enterprises have to accept competition and be compatible with the circulation of economic regulations in the economy. One of the keys for firms to reach these goals is advertising. The more feasible one companys advertising campaign is, the less risks in business it has, the more profits it gains and the more it breaks into market.
Advertising is instrumental in sales promotion, which is one of the most vital tools in Marketing. The appearance and the role of advertising is increasingly higher in the market economy. Advertising shows the rapid growth in technology and lifestyle, in peoples tastes and consumption.
Advertising has become an important part of economic development process not only in one country but also in the world. In Vietnam, advertising activities have just become effervescent. It has contributed much to the countrys renovation, to the growth of production, to the enrichment of peoples knowledge and needs to goods, which makes it develop the countrys human resources effectively. Moreover, advertising also plays an important role in promoting and developing the cooperation between Vietnam and other countries in trade and technology.
Along with the deep and wide development of international and domestic relationships, Vietnam advertising industry has rapidly developed with more and more various types though it still faces with many difficulties and law on advertising has not been fixed. Therefore, the government should pay more attention to this “no smoking” industry.
With the limited knowledge and materials on advertising, I myself try to give out an overview of advertising and its role in economy, of which mistakes and shortcomings are not avoidable. I give my strong acknowledgement to MBA LE THI HAI and Mr PHAM GIA TRI , Mr NGUYEN HUYEN MINH who all supported me much during finishing this thesis.
PART I : General knowledge of advertising
1. Some typical concepts of advertising
2. Classifications of advertising
PART II : The role of advertising in society
1. Economic effects of advertising
a. On governments
b. On citizens
c. On businesses
2. Social effects
a. Good effects
b. Bad ones
PART III : The role of Vietnams advertising industry in the economy
1. Present situation and contributions of Vietnams advertising industry
2. The changing responses of Vietnamese towards advertising.
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