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GA Let s Learn 4 Unit 12

GA Let s Learn 4 Unit 12

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Chuyên mục: Mẫu giáo, Mầm non


Week 31 Date of teaching: 04-08/04/ 2011 Period 61 Unit 12OUR CLOTHESSection A(1,2&3)Objectives: Ss can ask and answer about the colors and the price Content: Vocabulary: colors, clothes Structures: What colour is it? What colour are they? It’s black They are greenAids: T: Lesson plan, books, chalk, cassettes, tape , Ss: books, pens, hand boards, notebooks ProcedureTeacher’s activitiesStudents’ activitiesContent1`. Warm up( hang man)give a word ( Ss don’t know the word)Correct and introduce the dialogue2. Presentation- - ask Ss to look at part one - presenting the structures - say again and play the tape - ? some Ss read aloud 3. Practice- play the tape again- Ask Ss to read again? Some pairs read aloud- guide Ss how to do part 2 by doing an example? some pairs read aloud4. Consolidation- ask Ss to further practice part three using real objects- guide Ss how to do - ? some Ss go to the board and practice - comment on...

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  • GA Let s Learn 4 Unit 12
  • GA Let s Learn 4 Unit 12
  • GA Let s Learn 4 Unit 12
  • GA Let s Learn 4 Unit 12


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GA Let s Learn 4 Unit 12

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Mẫu giáo, Mầm non
GA Let s Learn 4 Unit 12 Week 31 Date of teaching: 04-08/04/ 2011 Period 61 Unit 12OUR CLOTHESSection A(1,2&3)Objectives: Ss can ask and answer about the colors and the price Content: Vocabulary: colors, clothes Structures: What colour is it? What colour are they? It’s doc Đăng bởi
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Thông tin tài liệu 4 trang Đăng bởi: kientt - 17/03/2024 Ngôn ngữ: Việt nam, English
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