Mã tài liệu: 241356
Số trang: 30
Định dạng: doc
Dung lượng file: 137 Kb
Chuyên mục: Ngôn ngữ học
(Luận văn này copy được từng câu, từng đoạn và chỉnh sửa dễ dàng)
Table of Contents
Part 1: Introduction
1. Rationale of the study -------------------------------------------------------3
2. Aims of the study ------------------------------------------------------------3
3. Scope of the study-----------------------------------------------------------4
4. Methods of the study--------------------------------------------------------5
5. Design of the study----------------------------------------------------------6
Part 2: Content
Chapter1: Theoretical Background ----------------------------------------------6
1.1 Definition of reading-----------------------------------------------------------7
1.2 Factors that affect learners' reading result--------------------------------------8
1.2.1. Subjective factors --------------------------------------------------------------9
1.2.2. Objective factors-------------------------------------------------------------12
Chapter 2: The study
2.1. Research questions ------------------------------------------------------------ 14
2.2. Research setting ---------------------------------------------------------------- 15
2.3. Research procedures ---------------------------------------------------------- 16
2.3.1. Difficulties in reading materials ----------------------------------------------17
2.3.2. Difficulties in students' reading strategies -----------------------------------17 How students deal with new words --------------------------------------18 Difficulties in students' ways of reading the texts -----------------------18 Difficulties in getting main ideas of the texts -------------------------------19 The way students get specific ideas -------------------------------------19 Difficulties in teachers' teaching methods -------------------------------20
Chapter 3: Teaching Implications
3.1. Suggest for students ----------------------------------------------------21
3.1.1. Previewing ------------------------------------------------------------- 22
3.1.2. Predicting---------------------------------------------------------------24
3.1.3. Guessing from the context --------------------------------------------25
3.1.4. Skimming----------------------------------------------------------------26
3.1.5. Scanning ---------------------------------------------------------------27
3.2. Suggestions for teachers------------------------------------------------28
Part 3: Conclusion
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