Mã tài liệu: 234387
Số trang: 247
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Chuyên mục: Công nghệ thực phẩm
Chapter 1 Research Introduction 1
1.1 Common problems in global food safety and quality 1
1.2 Vietnam’s sea product problems: an overview 3
1.2.1 General introduction relating to seafood products in Vietnam 3
1.2.2 Problems relating to the quality of Vietnam’s seafood products 7
1.3 Shrimp quality control problems in the MD 10
1.3.1 Introduction 10
1.3.2 Shrimp quality control problems in the MD 12
1.4 Research objective 20
1.5 Research structure, methods and methodology 20
1.5.1 Step 1 - Research background, structure and methodology 21
1.5.2 Step 2 – Literature review 21
1.5.3 Step 3 – Company survey 21
1.5.4 Step 4 – Development of a supply chain quality management framework 22
1.5.5 Step 5 – Testing the framework at the SFCs 22
1.5.6 Step 6 – The intra-SFC quality improvement measures 23
1.5.7 Step 7 - The chain quality improvement measures 23
1.5.8 Step 8 - Research conclusions and recommendations 24
1.6 Summary 24
Chapter 2 Literature review 25
2.1 Introduction 25
2.2 The role of HACCP in ensuring food safety 27
2.2.1 The HACCP system 27
2.2.2 HACCP and other prerequisite programs 31
2.3 The role of government and industry in food safety assurance 33
2.4 Current situation of HACCP implementation in the world 36
2.4.1 HACCP and international trade 36
2.4.2 The implementation of HACCP in the world 38
2.5 Food safety constraints and problems in developing countries 41
2.5.1 Technological constraints in HACCP implementation 41
2.5.2 Managerial problems of HACCP implementation 42
2.5.3 Techno-managerial constraints of HACCP implementation in Vietnam 43
2.6 Techno-managerial approach for food safety and quality management 44
2.6.1 Techno-managerial approach 44
2.6.2 The food quality management model by means of a techno-managerial approach 45
2.6.3 Food supply chain management 49
2.7 Summary 49
Chapter 3 Seafood supply chain quality issues and discussion in the MD 51
3.1 Data collection by questionnaire 51
3.1.1 Questionnaire design 51
3.1.2 Questionnaire contents 53
3.2 The survey results: general information 54
3.2.1 Interviewee general information 54
3.2.2 Company general information 55
3.2.3 Quality management of the interviewed SFCs 56
3.3 The role of the government and industry 58
3.4 Shrimp supply chain quality issues and resulting discussion in the MD 59
3.4.1 Hatchery production 60
3.4.2 Farm production 63
3.4.3 Catching activities 65
3.4.4 Collector/Wholesale buyer 65
3.4.5 Manufacturing process 68
3.4.6 Distribution stage 72
3.5 The supply chain deficiencies in shrimp quality assurance 75
3.6 Summary 77
Chapter 4 Supply chain quality management framework 79
4.1 Shrimp quality and safety in primary production 80
4.1.1 The role of government institutes, industry and support organizations 82
4.1.2 The role of seafood companies 83
4.2 Measures for shrimp quality management and improvement in SFCs 85
4.2.1 Quality control problems at the company level 85
4.2.2 Quality management in SFCs 85
4.2.3 Measures to improve the HACCP system 87
4.2.4 Shrimp quality and safety at the distribution stage 93
4.3 Summary 94
Chapter 5 Test of the quality management system in the MD’s seafood companies 95
5.1 Selection of case studies and test plan 95
5.1.1 Case selection 95
5.1.2 Test plan 96
5.2 Company information and test results 97
5.2.1 General information relating to the two test companies 97
5.2.2 Quality management information of the two test companies 100
5.2.3 HACCP test results 102
5.3 Explanation and discussion of test results 104
5.3.1 Quality gaps in the companies 104
5.3.2 Deficiencies in the test company chains 109
5.4 Summary 115
Chapter 6 The seafood supply chain quality improvement 117
6.1 Introduction 117
6.2 The intra-SFC’s quality improvement measures and feedback 118
6.2.1 The intra-SFC’s quality improvement implementation process 118
6.2.2 Feedback about the SFC quality improvement implementation Process 125
6.3 Seafood chain quality improvement measures 127
6.3.1 Feedback about chain quality improvement of the SFC meeting participants 127
6.3.2 Chain quality improvement measures 128
6.4 Summary 134
Chapter 7 Conclusions and recommendations 135
7.1 Introduction 135
7.2 The most important research findings and conclusions 135
7.2.1 Importance of HACCP systems in food quality assurance 135
7.2.2 The survey results 136
7.2.3 The seafood supply chain management framework 138
7.2.4 Test results in two case studies 138
7.2.5 The SFC quality improvement process 139
7.2.6 Chain quality improvement measures 139
7.3 Recommendations for further seafood quality improvement 140
7.3.1 Recommendations for the test companies 140
7.3.2 Recommendations at chain level 141
7.3.3 Managerial recommendations 141
7.3.4 Technological recommendations 143
7.4 General situations of SFCs in the MD and the test companies at present (2006) 144
7.5 Recommendations for further research 144
1. Questionnaire to interview SFC 161
2. Coding 179
3. List of the seafood companies 181
4. List of the interviewees 185
5. The situation of the world’s, Vietnam’s and the MD’s seafood markets 189
6. HACCP procedure and principles and supplier selection criteria 205
7. Test plan and test result tables 213
8. Questions for chain actors’ interviews 225
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