Mã tài liệu: 255212
Số trang: 26
Định dạng: doc
Dung lượng file: 173 Kb
Chuyên mục: Kinh tế đối ngoại
Báo cáo tiếng anh thương mại đại học ngoại thương " Giao nhận ở công ty cổ phần Đông Dương" [URL="file:///D:/Du%20lieu/DULIEU/backiet/tieng%20anh%2050.doc#_Toc247527091"]Logistics basic knowledge and logistics activities of Indochina Logistics & Trading JSC
Chapter 1: Overview of Indochina Logistics & Trading JSC
1.1- Introduction:
1.2 - Management structure:
1.2.1 – Management Board:
1.2.2 – Sale & Marketing Department:
1.2.3 – Operation Department:
1.3.1- Custom clearance services:
1.3.2- Ser freight services:
1.3.3- Multimodal transport:
1.3.4- Ship booking and Chartering:
1.3.5- Customs consultancy services:
1.3.6- Customs brokerage services:
1.3.7- Air freight services:
1.3.8- Warehousing & Distribution services:
1.3.9- Fairs & Exhibition services:
1.3.10- Removal Relocation:
1.3.11- Project cargo handling:
1.3.12- Railway transportation:
1.3.13- Overland transportation:
Chapter 2: Logistics basic knowledge and logistics activities of Indochina Logistics & Trading JSC. 18
2.1- Logistics basic knowledge:
2.2- Logistics activities of the company:
Chapter 3: Some recommendations to services of Indochina Logistics & Trading JSC and developing logistics Market in Viet Nam at international economics integration progress.
3.1- Services development in the Indochina Company:
3.2- Logistics solutions in Vietnam:
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