Mã tài liệu: 296622
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Định dạng: rar
Dung lượng file: 4,215 Kb
Chuyên mục: Sinh học
Table of Content
Table of figures
Table of tables
Chapter 1: Introduction
I. Production of fructose syrup in the world
1. Manufacturing of high-fructose corn syrup (HFCS)
1.1. Corn wet milling
1.2. Hydrolysis
1.3. Isomerization
1.4. Fractionation
2. Overview of the world situation
3. Factors affecting production
II. Materials in processing of fructose syrup from Jerusalem artichoke
1. Jerusalem Artichoke
1.1. Scientific classification of Jerusalem Artichoke
1.2. Compositional characteristics
2. Inulinase
3. Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Chapter 2: Processing technology of fructose syrup from Jerusalem artichoke: Production-line schema
Chapter 3: Processes in the fructose syrup production-line from Jerusalem artichoke
I. Preliminary treatment
1. Aim
2. Transformation of raw materials
2.1. Physical changes
2.2. Chemical changes
3. Affecting factors
4. Technical parameters
II. Cutting
1. Aim
2. Transformation of raw materials
3. Effective factors
III. Milling
1. Aim
2. Transformation of raw materials
3. Effective factors
4. Technical parameters
IV. Extraction
1. Aim
2. Transformation of raw materials
2.1. Physical changes
2.2. Chemical changes
2.3. Physical chemical changes
3. Effective factors
4. Technical parameters
V. Filtration
1. Aim
2. Transformation of raw materials
3. Effective factors
4. Technical parameters
VI. Ultrafiltration
1. Aim
2. Transformation of raw materials
2.1. Physical changes
2.2. Chemical changes
3. Effective factors
4. Technical parameters
4.1. First ultrafiltration step
4.2. Last ultrafiltration step
VII. Hydrolysis
-Conventional method
1. Aim
2. Transformation of raw materials
3. Effective factors
4. Technical parameters
-Inulinase enzyme method
1. Aim
2. Transformation of raw materials
3. Effective factors
4. Technical parameters
VIII. Propagation
1. Aim
2. Transformation of raw materials
3. Effective factors
4. Technical parameters
IX. Sterilization
1. Aim
2. Transformation of raw materials
2.1. Biologycal changes
2.2. Physical changes
2.3. Chemical changes
3. Effect factors
4. Technical parameters
X. Fermentation
2. Transformation of raw materials
2.1. Microbial changes
2.2. Chemical physical changes
3. Effective factors
4. Technical parameters
4.1. Fermentation using mutant Saccharomyces cerevisiea ATCC 36859
4.2. Fermentation using immobilized mutant Saccharomyces cerevisiea ATCC 36859
XI. Activated charcoal treatment
1. Aim
2. Transformation of raw materials
2.1. Physical changes
2.2. Chemical physical changes
2.3. Biological
3. Affecting factors
4. Technical parameters
XII. Concentration
1. Aim
2. Transformation of raw materials
2.1. Physical changes
2.2. Physical chemical changes
2.3. Microbiological changes
3. Affecting factors
4. Technical parameters
Chapter 4: Product
I. Physical chemical characteristics of Product
II. Microbiological characteristics
III. Organoleptic characteristics
Chapter 5: High-fructose syrup application
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