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Production of high fructose syrup from Jerusalem Artichoke Do an 100 la tieng Anh

Production of high fructose syrup from Jerusalem Artichoke Đồ án 100 là tiếng Anh

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Chuyên mục: Sinh học


Table of Content

Table of figures

Table of tables

Chapter 1: Introduction

I. Production of fructose syrup in the world

1. Manufacturing of high-fructose corn syrup (HFCS)

1.1. Corn wet milling

1.2. Hydrolysis

1.3. Isomerization

1.4. Fractionation

2. Overview of the world situation

3. Factors affecting production

II. Materials in processing of fructose syrup from Jerusalem artichoke

1. Jerusalem Artichoke

1.1. Scientific classification of Jerusalem Artichoke

1.2. Compositional characteristics

2. Inulinase

3. Saccharomyces cerevisiae

Chapter 2: Processing technology of fructose syrup from Jerusalem artichoke: Production-line schema

Chapter 3: Processes in the fructose syrup production-line from Jerusalem artichoke

I. Preliminary treatment

1. Aim

2. Transformation of raw materials

2.1. Physical changes

2.2. Chemical changes

3. Affecting factors

4. Technical parameters

II. Cutting

1. Aim

2. Transformation of raw materials

3. Effective factors

III. Milling

1. Aim

2. Transformation of raw materials

3. Effective factors

4. Technical parameters

IV. Extraction

1. Aim

2. Transformation of raw materials

2.1. Physical changes

2.2. Chemical changes

2.3. Physical chemical changes

3. Effective factors

4. Technical parameters

V. Filtration

1. Aim

2. Transformation of raw materials

3. Effective factors

4. Technical parameters

VI. Ultrafiltration

1. Aim

2. Transformation of raw materials

2.1. Physical changes

2.2. Chemical changes

3. Effective factors

4. Technical parameters

4.1. First ultrafiltration step

4.2. Last ultrafiltration step

VII. Hydrolysis

-Conventional method

1. Aim

2. Transformation of raw materials

3. Effective factors

4. Technical parameters

-Inulinase enzyme method

1. Aim

2. Transformation of raw materials

3. Effective factors

4. Technical parameters

VIII. Propagation

1. Aim

2. Transformation of raw materials

3. Effective factors

4. Technical parameters

IX. Sterilization

1. Aim

2. Transformation of raw materials

2.1. Biologycal changes

2.2. Physical changes

2.3. Chemical changes

3. Effect factors

4. Technical parameters

X. Fermentation

2. Transformation of raw materials

2.1. Microbial changes

2.2. Chemical physical changes

3. Effective factors

4. Technical parameters

4.1. Fermentation using mutant Saccharomyces cerevisiea ATCC 36859

4.2. Fermentation using immobilized mutant Saccharomyces cerevisiea ATCC 36859

XI. Activated charcoal treatment

1. Aim

2. Transformation of raw materials

2.1. Physical changes

2.2. Chemical physical changes

2.3. Biological

3. Affecting factors

4. Technical parameters

XII. Concentration

1. Aim

2. Transformation of raw materials

2.1. Physical changes

2.2. Physical chemical changes

2.3. Microbiological changes

3. Affecting factors

4. Technical parameters

Chapter 4: Product

I. Physical chemical characteristics of Product

II. Microbiological characteristics

III. Organoleptic characteristics

Chapter 5: High-fructose syrup application


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Khoa học tự nhiên Sinh học
Production of high fructose syrup from Jerusalem Artichoke Đồ án 100 là tiếng Anh Table of Content Table of figures Table of tables Chapter 1: Introduction I. Production of fructose syrup in the world 1. Manufacturing of high-fructose corn syrup (HFCS) 1.1. Corn wet milling 1.2. Hydrolysis 1.3. Isomerization 1.4. Fractionation zip Đăng bởi
5 stars - 296622 reviews
Thông tin tài liệu 0 trang Đăng bởi: thanhhoang379 - 25/08/2025 Ngôn ngữ: Việt nam, English
5 stars - "Tài liệu tốt" by , Written on 25/08/2025 Tôi thấy tài liệu này rất chất lượng, đã giúp ích cho tôi rất nhiều. Chia sẻ thông tin với tôi nếu bạn quan tâm đến tài liệu: Production of high fructose syrup from Jerusalem Artichoke Đồ án 100 là tiếng Anh