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Chuyên mục: Văn hóa nghệ thuật
Our expert authors have already gone everywhere you might go-they've done the legwork for you, and they're not afraid to tell it like it is, saving you time and money. Every Frommer's $-a-Day Guide is up-to-date, with dozens of maps and exact prices for every expense, so you can plan each day's budget. Frommer's knows that affordable travel doesn't have to mean making sacrifices. It's about having fun and getting a great deal!
Completely updated and personally researched by savvy travel writer Haas Mroue, Frommer's Paris from $90 a Day is your key to discovering the real heart of the City of Light. We'll take you to street markets, affordable cafes, bistros, and unusual museums. We'll also recommend dozens of hotel bargains that make this otherwise high-priced city affordable. A sightseeing chapter is supplemented with an additional chapter of detailed walking tours. You'll even get a handy glossary of French phrases and a color foldout map, along with a color map of the Metro!
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