Weather and Climate: An Illustrated Guide to Sciencequot; is one of eight volumes in quot;Facts On File'squot; new quot;Science Visual Resourcesquot; set. Containing nine sections, a comprehensive glossary, a Web site guide, and an index, quot;Weather and Climatequot; is an ideal learning tool for students and teachers of science. Full-colourdiagrams, graphs, charts, and maps on every page illustrate the essential elements of the subject, while parallel text provides key definitions and step-by-step explanations. The nine sections include: quot;The Atmospheric Enginequot; - outlines the overall structure of Earth's atmosphere, its composition, and the global processes that drive its patterns of circulation; quot;Components of Weatherquot; - looks in detail at all the major weather phenomena, from winds to fog, rain to snow; quot;Weather Systemsquot; - provides an overview of the formation, movement, and interaction of large air masses and shows how these determine the local weather; quot;Extremes of Weatherquot; - looks at the range of weather phenomena across the globe, giving examples of the regions that experience extremes. Simultaneously energetic and destructive weather phenomena such as tornadoes and hurricanes are also covered in this section; quot;Meteorologyquot; - concerns the science of observing, recording, and predicting weather and climate; quot;Climate and Seasonsquot; - provides an overview of the major climate types and describes the crucial factors that determine climate at a particular location. quot;World Climate Dataquot; - gives the average monthly temperatures, rainfall, and sunshine data of 83 representative cities around the world, while quot;U.S. Climate Dataquot; - gives the average monthly temperatures, wind speed, precipitation, and sunshine data of 35 U.S. cities, and, quot;Human Impact on Climatequot; - examines the evidence for the claims that human activity is changing Earth's climate. It also outlines the likely outcome of such changes.
Product Details
Reading level: Young Adult
Hardcover: 208 pages
Publisher: Chelsea House Publications (August 30, 2006)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0816061696
ISBN-13: 978-0816061693
Product Dimensions: 11.3 x 8.6 x 0.8 inches