Framework for the Preparation and Presentation of Financial StatementsThe IASC Framework was approved by the Board in April 1989 for publication in July 1989.ContentsPREFACEINTRODUCTION Paragraphs 1 - 11Purpose and Status 1 - 4Scope 5 - 8Users and Their Information Needs 9 - 11THE OBJECTIVE OF FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 12 - 21Financial Position, Performance and Changesin Financial Position 15 - 21Notes and Supplementary Schedules 21UNDERLYING ASSUMPTIONS 22 - 23Accrual Basis 22Going Concern 23QUALITATIVE CHARACTERISTICS OF FINANCIALSTATEMENTS 24 - 46Understandability 25Relevance 26 - 30Materiality 29 - 30Reliability 31 - 38Faithful Representation 33 - 34Substance Over Form 35Neutrality 36Prudence 37Completeness 38Comparability 39 – 42Continued../..Constraints on Relevant and Reliable Information 43 - 45Timeliness 43Balance between Benefit and Cost 44Balance between Qualitative Characteristics 45True and Fair View/Fair Presentation 46THE ELEMENTS OF FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 47 - 81Financial Position 49 - 52Assets 53 - 59Liabilities 60 - 64Equity 65 - 68Performance 69 - 73Income 74 - 77Expenses 78 - 80Capital Maintenance Adjustments 81RECOGNITION OF THE ELEMENTS OF FINANCIALSTATEMENTS...
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Chuan muc kiem toan quoc teFramework for the Preparation and Presentation of Financial StatementsThe IASC Framework was approved by the Board in April 1989 for publication in July 1989. ContentsPREFACEINTRODUCTION Paragraphs 1 - 11Purpose and Status 1 - 4Scope 5 - 8Users anddoc Đăng bởi tri_tho
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