About: Agree about Argue aboutBoast about Dream about Know about Laugh aboutRead about Talk about Annoyed about Anxious aboutCertain about Excited about Happy aboutPleased about Right aboutSorry about Upset about At: Guess at, Laugh at Look at Attend at Angry at Annoyed at Bad/Good at Surprised at For: Apply for Arrange for Ask for something Blame someone for Care for Forgive someone for Look for Pay for something Search for Vote for Wait for Famous for Late forReady for Sorry for From: Graduate from Absent from Different from Safe from In: Believe in Confide in someone Involve someone in something Specialize in Succeed in Take part in Interested in Of: Accuse someone of something Approve (disapprove) of Die of somethingDream ofRemind someone of something Rob someone of somethingSmell ofTaste of Warn someone of something Afraid ofAshamed of Aware ofCapable of Fond ofFull ofIt is good of you (to do something) Jealous of On: Blame something on someone Concentrate onCongratulate someone...
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Bài tập AVAbout: Agree about Argue aboutBoast about Dream about Know about Laugh aboutRead about Talk about Annoyed about Anxious aboutCertain about Excited about Happy aboutPleased about Right aboutSorry about Upset about At: Guess at, Laugh at Look atdoc Đăng bởi thuy052010
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Thông tin tài liệu
6 trang
Đăng bởi: thuy052010 -
Ngôn ngữ: Việt nam, English
5 stars -
"Tài liệu tốt"
by khotrithucso.com,
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