WEEK 1:INTRODUCTION I. AIMS: By the end of the lesson students will be able to: - Know something about English spoken countries. - Introduce the book “ ABC English 1” II. LANGUAGE CONTENT:III. Teaching aids: - BooksIV. Procedure:Teacher & Student’s activitiesContent- All class sing a Vietnamese song.- Asking and answering some questions about Student’s learning habits.- T introduces, Ss listen.+ English is popular in the world+ Many countries use it to be their mother tongue+ It’s not too difficult to learn + United Kingdom. America, Australia, Newzeland, Singapore...- T lectures, ss listen & observe the books.Student book: - Beautiful and colourful - Make acquaintance with English alphabet.- T may let ss play a game.1. Warm up Sing a song2. Introduction a. Introduce something about Englishb. Introduce some English spoken countries in the world c. Present books Student book 3. Production Believe in yourself and never be shyWEEK 17 : REVISION Date of preparation : 11/ 12 / 2011 Date of...
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Giao an l2 tamWEEK 1:INTRODUCTION I. AIMS: By the end of the lesson students will be able to: - Know something about English spoken countries. - Introduce the book “ ABC English 1” II. LANGUAGE CONTENT:III. Teaching aids: - BooksIV. Procedure:Teacher & Student’sdoc Đăng bởi shearer038
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Đăng bởi: shearer038 -
Ngôn ngữ: Việt nam, English
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