Introduction to GeophysicsWhat is Geophysics??GoalsTo make you aware and capable of implementing/discussing as many geophysical techniques as possibleRadar InterferometryIsostasyEarthquakesGravityMagnetismPaleomagnetismBathymetryGPSSeismic RefractionTime series analysisSeismic ReflectionHeat FlowDown-hole loggingVertical seismic profilesGeophysical analysis of rock samplesMethodologyRather than a conventional lecture based class, I will strive to make it as hands-on as possible.We will largely be studying the data from one region of the world – Papua New Guinea, and will use that data to better understand the geology/tectonics of that areaThere will be plenty of examples from elsewhere.Papua New GuineaGeophysics at the Coarsest ScaleWhat techniques do we have to look at a region at the coarsest scale?Satellite imagery – ie Landsat, SPOTSatellite altimetrySatellite gravitySatellite magnetismDEMsDigital elevation modelsDEMs from space – SRTMShuttle radar topography missionSome Gravity BasicsWe will cover gravity in more detail later in the class – but for now here are the important concepts:Newton’s Law of Gravitation states that the force of attraction F between two masses m1 and m2 whose dimensions are small...
Intruduction geophysicsIntroduction to GeophysicsWhat is Geophysics??GoalsTo make you aware and capable of implementing/discussing as many geophysical techniques as possibleRadar InterferometryIsostasyEarthquakesGravityMagnetismPaleomagnetismBathymetryGPSSeismiczip Đăng bởi buivanxuan
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