Challenging new collection of paper sculptures designed by renowned origami expert presents 25 intricately detailed paperfolding projects featuring strikingly life-like animals — angelfish, walrus, eagle, turtle, frog, antelope, lobster, tyrannosaurus, more. Fully illustrated step-by-step instructions and hundreds of diagrams guide origamists. Introduction. Instructions. Over 900 diagrams.
In 1985 I bought this at a book fair when I was 5 years old, and I still think that it is one of the best books on origami out there. The version that I have contains a few confusing instructions (which may have been corrected in later editions), but they can be worked around thanks to the well drawn pictures.
The models I have tried so far are intermediate. The book includes: angelfish, seal, walrus, starfish, crane, swan, eagle, owl, t-rex, brontosaurus, snake, turtle, frog, bear, kangaroo, giraffe, fox, elephant, antelope, spider, crab, lobster, stellated dodecahedron. Very clear instructions compared with many books. This is easily my favorite book on origami. All the diagrams are clear, the models are very detailed, and more importantly, all of them are an awful lot of fun to make, and very rewarding. While it has models from the whole range of difficulty levels, it focuses primarily on the advanced folder.
A little bit of history- my parents bought me this book about 15 years ago, I couldn't have been more than 8 at the time. I had dabbled a little bit in origami before then, but this is the book that got me hooked. I still have that copy, ragged at the edges, pages falling out, but still as fulfulling as it always was. I just can't stop singing the praises of this book- it's that good.