From School Library Journal Charlie Bone and The Blue Boa, the third book in the author's planned quintet, begins when the magically "endowed" Charlie and his friend Emma discover a mostly invisible, strawberry jam-loving boy named Ollie Sparks imprisoned in the attic of the Hogwartsian Bloor's Academy. Ollie's plight is part of a seemingly amorphous Larger Evil Plot involving school authorities, a blue boa, and Charlie's three horrible great aunts. Charlie Bone and his friends are eager to fight wrongdoing with their combination of special powers, but obstacles in all shapes and sizes abound. Can the children rescue Ollie, Charlie's uncle, Ollie's older brother, and the other hapless victims...or are the enemies too plentiful and powerful? Despite the likeable Charlie and a plethora of magical happenings (raining frogs, sorcerers who escape paintings, etc.), reading this 408-page fantasy feels like a bit like running a marathon where the finish line feels farther away with every step. Thankfully, the ending is a happy one Product Details Paperback: 384 pages Publisher: EGMONT CHILDREN'S (2006) Language: English ISBN-10: 1405225459 ISBN-13: 978-1405225458 Product Dimensions: 7.6 x 5 x 1 inches
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The Blue Boa Charlie Bone From School Library Journal Charlie Bone and The Blue Boa, the third book in the author's planned quintet, begins when the magically "endowed" Charlie and his friend Emma discover a mostly invisible, strawberry jam-loving boy named Ollie Sparkspdf Đăng bởi quan0983334678
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Ngôn ngữ: Việt nam, English
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