Mã tài liệu: 201340
Số trang: 84
Định dạng: pdf
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Chuyên mục: Văn hóa nghệ thuật
For many people, the kitchen is the room in the house that they spend the most time, whether cooking, eating or interacting with friends and family. We all want to have a kitchen in which we feel comfortable and which reflects our personalities. Luckily, decorating the kitchen does not have to be expensive. The FaveCrafts editors have put together this collection of low‐cost crafts just for the kitchen, including kitchen crochet patterns, easy kitchen painting projects and even some fridge magnet crafts for that dose of fun. Many of these projects double as functional kitchen items, including hot pads, trivets and clocks. We even have a section for decorative kitchen storage.
Redecorate your kitchen or create handy kitchen tools with these 39 low‐cost kitchen crafts. You can find more low‐cost craft projects, great activities for kids and extensive decorating ideas at www.FaveCrafts.com. Our eBooks, like all our craft projects, are absolutely FREE to members of our crafting community. Please feel free to share with family and friends and ask them to sign up at our website for our free e‐mail newsletter.
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