ReviewElder and Paul, both specialists in the area of critical thinking, present a 25-step plan for overcoming bad thinking habits and, in turn, improving one’s quality of life. Starting with the premise that faulty reasoning is at the heart of most problems, the authors provide daily exercises that focus on a particular habit. For instance, on day three (integrity), readers are asked to notice contradictions in their behavior and reduce hypocrisy. Strategies for achieving results are given every step of the way; readers are encouraged to keep a journal of daily progress. In its brevity and usefulness to all sectors of the population, this book is recommended for all public libraries.Book DescriptionYou are what you think! Take control of your thinking...and start living life to the fullest! In just 25 days, you can discover how to cut through lies, gain insight, and make smarter choices in every area of your life—from work and money to your intimate relationships. Discover how to overcome bad thinking habits caused by self-delusion or out-of-control emotions...clarify what you really want...recognize what you don’t know. Ask the right questions...resist brainwashing, manipulation, and hypocrisy...Avoid worrying, conformism, and blame! 25 powerful ways to improve your thinking—and make smarter, better decisions. Stop deceiving yourself: Overcome built-in self-delusion, wishful thinking, and worrying. Use better thinking to make better decisions at work, at home, and throughout your life. Critically evaluate what you’re told by advertisers, politicians, your boss...even your family! Quick, practical, easy to use! Includes daily/weekly action plans, progress notes, and more.Product Details Paperback: 128 pages Publisher: FT Press; 1 edition (April 1, 2006) Language: English ISBN-10: 0131738593 ISBN-13: 978-0131738591 Product Dimensions: 8.9 x 5.9 x 0.6 inches