Mã tài liệu: 200517
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A book of this nature can only be put together when one has had the privilege and good fortune to work with superbly generous friends over several years. My inestimable gratitude goes to current and former colleagues from the neuroradiology, neurosurgery, neurology, ENT, and anesthesia departments of the Massachusetts General Hospital, Brigham and Women's Hospital, Massachusetts Eye and Ear Infirmary, Boston Medical Center, Fletcher Allen Health Care in Vermont, and Wake Forest University Medical Center in North Carolina. In particular, my friend Frank Hellinger MD, PhD, gave most openly of his experience, advice, and case material, as did Dixon Moody, MD, Jeff Mewborne, MD, Tom Ptak, MD, Roman Klufas, MD, R. Budzik, MD, B. J. Stallmeyer, MD, PhD, L. Niklason, PhD, J. Burdette, MD, M. Baker, MD, D. Williams, MD, Curtis Given, MD, Tom Underhill, MD, J. Maldjian, MD, B. Ratkovits, MD, and G. Alsofrom, MD, all of whom helped with valuable or rare material, suggestions, or review of chapters for this edition or the first. The patients described in this book were cared for in their illnesses by the nursing, technical, operating room, and ICU staff of the same hospitals with universal levels of diligence and professional commitment that have been an inspiration to behold. Finally, the fellows of the neuroradiology section of Wake Forest University School of Medicine deserve my most sincere thanks for making work fun. It is in the hope that the fellows might find something worthwhile within these pages that this book goes forth
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