Product Description
"In most cases, the CEO’s perception of a company’s personality is drastically different than what the rest of the organization perceives. In the dynamic read, Companies Are People, Too, you’ll discover how to identify the true personality of your company. With this realization you will optimize opportunities and become irresistible to your customers and prospective employees by simply being yourself–on purpose." –Hal F. Rosenbluth, Chairman and CEO, Rosenbluth International
"Experts say that it’s better to know something about your spouse than everything about marriage. In Companies Are People, Too, Sandra Fekete proves that it is also better to know the essence of your company than all about business. Her insights are presented clearly, providing readers with the enlightenment they’ll need to manage, function in, or market their own business. This is a breakthrough book. I recommend it highly." –Jay Conrad Levinson, author, the Guerrilla Marketing series of books
"Sandy Fekete’s breakthrough book will be a significant benefit to executives looking to maximize the power of their corporate brands and to build a more reflective and constructive relationship with employees–ultimately improving the bottom line. This book will help those executives who understand this important value proposition." –James R. Gregory, CEO, CoreBrand, LLC, coauthor
Companies Are People, Too contains an 84-item questionnaire designed to assess the innate strengths, growth opportunities, character, and values of your company. It also offers a prescriptive plan for allowing your company to thrive according to its own set of values and preferences. What you learn about your company will help you strengthen your brand, differentiate yourself from the competition, and fix problematic areas. Research suggests that eight in ten CEOs hold a far different perception of their company’s character than their employees and customers do. In fact, those at the top of the corporate ladder rarely see the full picture, which is why this diagnostic program is so useful in showing business leaders a true portrait of their company.
The book is presented in three sections that accomplish three tasks. The "Discover" section introduces the theories on which the system is based and presents the questionnaire you’ll use. The "Articulate" section guides you through the process of creating your company’s persona, and defining its core vision, mission, and values. Lastly, the "Live" section provides examples and ideas to help you make decisions and enact changes that fit with your company’s unique personality. Companies Are People, Too is a simple, effective business tool that aligns an organization with its core personality for spectacular results.
Product Details
Format: Kindle Edition
Print Length: 254 pages
Simultaneous Device Usage: Up to 4 simultaneous devices, per publisher limits
Publisher: Wiley (March 31, 2003)
Sold by: Amazon Digital Services
Language: English