Mã tài liệu: 201984
Số trang: 748
Định dạng: pdf
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Chuyên mục: Khoa học công nghệ
This book is based on training materials developed for a three-day hands-on Python course. You’ll find end-of-chapter quizzes at the end of each chapter, and end-of-part exercises at the end of the last chapter of each part. Solutions to chapter quizzes appear in the chapters themselves, and solutions to part exercises show up in Appendix B. The quizzes are designed to review material, while the exercises are designed to get you coding right away and are usually one of the highlights of the
course. I strongly recommend working through the quizzes and exercises along the way, not only to gain Python programming experience, but also because some of the exercises raise issues not covered elsewhere in the book. The solutions in the chapters and in Appendix B should help you if you get stuck (and you are encouraged to peek at the answers as much and as often as you like).
The overall structure of this book is also derived from class materials. Because this text is designed to introduce language basics quickly, I’ve organized the presentation by major language features, not examples. We’ll take a bottom-up approach here: from built-in object types, to statements, to program units, and so on. Each chapter is fairly self-contained, but later chapters draw upon ideas introduced in earlier ones (e.g., by the time we get to classes, I’ll assume you know how to write functions), so a linear reading makes the most sense for most readers. In general terms, this book presents the Python language in a bottom-up fashion. It is organized with one part per major language feature—types, functions, and so forth—and most of the examples are small and self-contained (some might also call the examples in this text artificial, but they illustrate the points it aims to make). More specifically, here is what you will find:
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