Mã tài liệu: 201945
Số trang: 482
Định dạng: pdf
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Chuyên mục: Khoa học công nghệ
If you are to believe the
The answer is really quite simple. Microsoft’s products are designed for maximum easeof-use, which drives their rampant popularity. What many fail to grasp is that security is a zero-sum game: the easier it is to use something, the more time and effort must go into securing it. Think of security as a continuum between the polar extremes of 100 percent security on one side and 100 percent usability on the other, where 100 percent security equals 0 percent usability, and 100 percent usability equates to 0 percent security. Over time, Microsoft has learned to strike a healthier balance on this continuum. Some things they have simply shut off in default configurations (IIS in Windows Server 2003 comes to mind). Others they have redesigned from the ground up with security as a priority (IIS’ re-architecture into kernel-mode listener and user-mode worker threads is also exemplary here). More recently, Microsoft has wrapped “prophylactic” technology and UI around existing functionality to raise the bar for exploit developers (we’re thinking of ASLR, DEP, MIC, and UAC in
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