Mã tài liệu: 201893
Số trang: 1098
Định dạng: pdf
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Chuyên mục: Khoa học công nghệ
Transform disconnected corporate data into compelling, interactive business intelligence using all of the powerful tools available in Crystal Reports 2008. Through detailed explanations, real-world examples, and expert advice, this comprehensive guide shows you how to create, maintain, and distribute dynamic, visually appealing enterprise database reports.
Crystal Reports 2008: The Complete Reference explains how to select and gather pertinent business data, organize it into manageable groups, and assemble it into user-friendly business reports. You will learn how to improve report interactivity with sort controls and the parameter panel; solve complex reporting problems with cross-tabs and subreports; integrate Crystal Xcelsius dashboards; reduce development time; and publish your results to Web and Windows applications.
· Integrate pictures, multimedia files, graphs, and charts
· Allow user-controlled report sorting with new sort controls
· Develop sophisticated formulas and custom functions with the Formula Workshop
· Embed Flash files, including Xcelsius 2008 interactive dashboards
· Create complex cross-tab reports with new derived rows and columns
· Export reports into Word, Excel, Acrobat, and updated XML formats
· Enhance Web interactivity with the new parameter panel and optional parameter fields
· Work with SQL databases, OLAP cubes, and proprietary systems
· Centralize design elements and auto-update reports using the repository
· Schedule and distribute reports with the latest BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0
· Embed reports in Web and Windows applications using Visual Studio 2008
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