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Luan van tieng Anh

Luận văn tiếng Anh

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Part I. INTRODUCTION1. Motivation for the study:Up to now, English which is used very popular in Vietnam is an important international language. English is one of the important subjects at High School. It has been used for Final Examinations to evaluate students’ level of knowledge. Therefore, whether students are proficient at English or not is very important to them. Being proficient at English means student is good at both received skills - reading and listening, and productive skills - speaking and writing. These four skills are integrated in a lesson to improve all these skills for the students, because one certain skill can be used to improve the others. But it is very hard for people to begin learning English. Therefore, it is necessary to have teaching and learning English methods and techniques. To make students interested is very important for teachers, especially English teachers. How must we do that? This is the responsibility of all of the teachers! Warm – up activities are a way in which we can take interest, but how do English teachers in high schools apply these activities? There are many ways to make good warm – up activities at high schools. This is a reason why I choose “warm – up activities in teaching and learning English at grade 10A5 in Cai Be high school” to research. According to this research, I myself will get experiences to improve skills and teaching methods.

2. Aim of the research: To make students interested in learning English at high schools.

3. The research question: What are problems in warm – up activities which teachers give for students?

4. The research method: Interview method

Observation method

5. Significance of the research: To make good warm – up activities.

6. Scope of the research: Warm – up activities in grade 10A5 at Cai Be high school.

7. Organization of the studyAcknowledgment

Table of contents

Part I. Introduction

1. Motivation for the study

2. Aim of the research

3. The research question

4. The research method

5. Significance of the research

6. Scope of the research

7. Organization of the study

Part II. The content

Chapter One. Background Information

I. 1. Cai Be high school

I. 2. Teachers staff

I. 3. Students

I. 4. Warm-up activities

I. 4. 1. Definition of warm-up activities

I. 4. 2. The value of warm-up activities

I. 4. 3. Why do we use warm-up activity?

Chapter Two. Methodology

II. 1. Research question

II. 2. The researcher

II. 3. The setting

II. 4. The subjects

II. 5. Data collection instrument

II. 5. 1. Questionnaires

II. 5. 2. Observation

II. 6. Data collection procedure

II. 6. 1. Questionnaires

II. 6. 2. Observation

Chapter Three. Result and Discussion

III. 1. Result of interview

III. 1.1. Students

III. 1. 2. English teachers

III. 2. Result of observation

III. 3. Summary

Chapter Four. Recommendation and Conclusion

IV. 1. Conclusion

IV. 2. Recommendation

IV. 2. 1. With English teachers

IV. 2. 2. With students

IV. 2. 3. With union local

IV. 3. Limitations



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Sư phạm
Luận văn tiếng Anh Part I. INTRODUCTION1. Motivation for the study:Up to now, English which is used very popular in Vietnam is an important international language. English is one of the important subjects at High School. It has been used for Final Examinations to doc Đăng bởi
5 stars - 260579 reviews
Thông tin tài liệu 36 trang Đăng bởi: vietpvd - 19/09/2025 Ngôn ngữ: Việt nam, English
5 stars - "Tài liệu tốt" by , Written on 19/09/2025 Tôi thấy tài liệu này rất chất lượng, đã giúp ích cho tôi rất nhiều. Chia sẻ thông tin với tôi nếu bạn quan tâm đến tài liệu: Luận văn tiếng Anh