Mã tài liệu: 48714
Số trang: 85
Định dạng: docx
Dung lượng file: 519 Kb
Chuyên mục: Sư phạm
According to a large number of educators’ opinions, reading is advised to be taught in three stages: pre-reading, while-reading and post-reading. Each of these stages is thought to be closely related and very important to help learners develop language competences. After the first two stages, post- reading is conducted to help the students to reflect the knowledge of the reading texts. Through this stage, the teacher can also evaluate the result and the student’s comprehensions. Other activities can also be performed based on the content of the text, the topic and the students’ interest. Moreover, in the current situation when the new textbook have just been introduced and applied to high schools in Vietnam some recent years in which the materials are suggested to be taught in three stages like the standard method, it is essential to carry out this stage.
However, reading especially the post- reading stage in Vietnamese high schools still cannot be conducted successfully due to many reasons. Noticing the previous reasons, the study on” conducting effective post- reading stage to eleventh form students at high schools in Hanoi” is carried out with the expectation to help both students and teachers to have effective reading lessons.
This research paper is conducted with the biggest purpose is helping learners and teachers to achieve successful English classes. However, due to the limitation of time and ability, the study mainly concentrates post reading with the aims to:
Obtain information about the applications of post- reading techniques in high schools at eleventh form in Hanoi.
Analyze the post- reading techniques currently used while teaching reading to eleven form students in Hanoi.
Suggest some useful techniques to conduct effective post- reading stage while teaching reading to eleventh form students at high schools in Hanoi.
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