Mã tài liệu: 34880
Số trang: 42
Định dạng: docx
Dung lượng file: 191 Kb
Chuyên mục: Tiếng Anh
There have been many attempts to offer a more nuanced and realistic view of the financial markets than existing financial and economic theories do. Yet, so far nobody seems to have found a satisfactory theoretical replacement of the existing theories. That is of course not an easy task to accomplish, as this problem often becomes a matter of different perspectives and of ideology. This paper is nevertheless an attempt to take the financial theory and view of the “financial reality” a little further, towards a possible alternative theory based on desire as the productive power behind stock market transactions. The text explores the ontology of the stock with the help of theories that contrary to neo-classic economical theories, allows for and brings forward the doubleness and ambiguities in and of life. It is an attempt to widen the existing perspectives of the stock market by picking up the traces of the old and well known division between investment versus speculation, noticed and created by Keynes and others, only in this text identified as information versus speculation, or knowledge versus belief. The implication of this division, with respect to the ontology of the stock, is found when deriving the financial instrument from Official Swedish Governmental Investigations and Proposals as well as from neoclassic economic and financial theories. The ontology of the stock is finally explained in terms of the concepts informational efficiency AND turn over efficiency/liquidity.
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