Mã tài liệu: 130055
Số trang: 52
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Chuyên mục: Ngoại ngữ
Foreign language is a very necessary means of communication helping people all over the world can exchange the information and understand the cultures, then promoting the global commerce. Today, one of the most popular languages is English. The thing is English is spoken as the mother tongue and the official language in many nations such as England, America, Australia, Canada, Singapore, India…In addition, it is taught as second language in a lot of countries around the world including Vietnam. The number of English learners in Vietnam is remarkably increasing up to now. The fact is that every of them desire to use English as fluently and proficiently as their first language. However, language always is a complex aspect of education. Therefore, learning and teaching a foreign language will face a lot of obstacles. English learners will meet many difficulties on their way of studying. Many people will find it difficult to pronounce, to listen or to comprehend an utterance...Others will be confused by the sense of a word, by the similarity in pronunciation and spelling of several words, etc.
Basing on the experiences of students, teachers and personal knowledge, we found that almost learners find confused when using English vocabularies. Firstly, they cannot combine and organize words together to make sense or they combine wrongly this adjective to that noun, or this verb to that noun… For example, the word “blond” and “beige”, both of them denote the colour. However, English people do not say the “blond car” but they say “blond hair” and vice versa. Moreover, two words may be close in meaning but yet not collocate with the same items. For instance, “do” and “make” are the same in meaning but native speakers say “do homework” and “make a cake”. So it easily makes English learners fail when they combine words together. They do not know which word can correctly combine together with other word.
Kết cấu đề tài:
Chapter I: Introduction
Chapter II: Literature Review
Chapter III: Method and procedures
Chapter IV: Expected findings and Discussion
Chapter V: Conclusion
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