First of all, I would like to express my deepest thanks to Dr. Pham Xuan Hau, the lecturer of Hospitability and Tourism Department at Vietnam University of Commerce and Ms. Tran Anh Thu, the lecturer of English Department at Vietnam University of Commerce for their assistance, encouragement as well as their guidance while I was doing my study. Without their experienced guidance and tireless help, I could not have completed the study on time.
I would like to take this opportunity to express my gratitude to all of the teachers in ourEnglish department at VCU. With their precious and professional lecture and tutoring, I can have an overview about English translating skill related to my study.
I am also thankful to Dinh Duy Khanh, my partner at Hotel- Tourism Faculty, who helpedme in providing the materials.
Last but not least, I owe my sincere thanks to my parents, my elder brother and myfriendswho always inspired and encouraged me to complete this study.