Mã tài liệu: 643321
Số trang: 380
Định dạng: pdf
Dung lượng file: 2,058 Kb
Chuyên mục: Quản lý
Contents at a Glance Introduction .................................................................1 Part I:Mastering the Sales Success Mindset ....................9 Chapter 1: Boosting Sales with Advanced Selling ........................................................11 Chapter 2: Visualizing Yourself as a Power Seller ........................................................25 Chapter 3: Charting Your Roadmap to Sales Success..................................................43 Chapter 4: Making Selling Your Hobby and Your Habit...............................................57 Chapter 5: Setting the Stage for an Unlimited Upside ................................................73 Part II: Pumping Up Your Sales Muscle .......................87 Chapter 6: Getting in Step with Your Customer ...........................................................89 Chapter 7: Teaming Up for Success with Personal Partnering.................................105 Chapter 8: Embracing Change as a Growth Strategy ................................................117 Chapter 9: Branding Yourself through Shameless Self-Promotion ..........................131 Chapter 10: Stepping Out of Your Comfort Zone: Taking Risks................................149 Part III: Equipping Yourself with Advanced Selling Tools and Resources .......................................163 Chapter 11: Investing and Re-Investing in Your Success ..........................................165 Chapter 12: Putting the Latest Technologies to Work for You ................................179 Chapter 13: Picking the Right People to Fill the Gaps ..............................................197 Part IV: Prospecting for Sales Opportunities ..............213 Chapter 14: Harnessing People Power with R-Commerce.........................................215 Chapter 15: Prospecting for Untapped and Under-Tapped Markets ......................231 Chapter 16: Tapping the Power of the Multimedia Marketplace .............................245 Chapter 17: Exploring Opportunities in the Virtual World: Social Media ...............265 Part V: Teaming Up with Your Customers . . . and Competitors .......................................................283 Chapter 18: Focusing on Your Client’s Success..........................................................285 Chapter 19: Selling to Multicultural Customers .........................................................299 Chapter 20: Playing Nice with the Competition ........................................................315 Part VI: The Part of Tens ...........................................329 Chapter 21: Ten Power-Selling Tactics and Techniques ...........................................331 Chapter 22: Ten Ways to Break Your Sales Slump . . . or Avoid It Entirely..............337 Index .......................................................................343
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