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8 Bit MCU with Downloadable Flash

8 Bit MCU with Downloadable Flash

Upload bởi: kinkin1905

Mã tài liệu: 613732

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Định dạng: rar

Dung lượng file: 3,986 Kb

Chuyên mục: Ngoại ngữ


AVR000: Register and Bit-Name Definitionsfor the AVR MicrocontrollersIntroductionThis application note contains files whichallows the user to use Register and Bitnames from the databook when writingassembly programs. To use the files,simply include them in the top of thesource code. The files are namedaccording to the following convention:def.incAs an example, AT90S8515 programsshould include the following assemblerdirective:.include "8515def.inc"In addition, the pointer registers R26 -R31 have been assigned names accord-ing to the following table:Note: For the AT90S1200 or similar, the only defined pointer is R30 - ZL.For controllers with SRAM, the constant“RAMEND” is defined. For all devices,the constants “FLASHEND” and“EEPROMEND” are defined. This num-ber is useful when initializing the Stackpointer to point at the highest internalSRAM address. Finally, the interruptaddresses have been defined, and canbe used together with the “.org” directivein the assembler to position an inter...


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Ngoại ngữ
8 Bit MCU with Downloadable Flash AVR000: Register and Bit-Name Definitionsfor the AVR MicrocontrollersIntroductionThis application note contains files whichallows the user to use Register and Bitnames from the databook when writingassembly programs. To use the files,simply include zip Đăng bởi
5 stars - 613732 reviews
Thông tin tài liệu 0 trang Đăng bởi: kinkin1905 - 11/09/2025 Ngôn ngữ: Việt nam, English
5 stars - "Tài liệu tốt" by , Written on 11/09/2025 Tôi thấy tài liệu này rất chất lượng, đã giúp ích cho tôi rất nhiều. Chia sẻ thông tin với tôi nếu bạn quan tâm đến tài liệu: 8 Bit MCU with Downloadable Flash